Critical perspectives on the construction of the discipline

The axis responds to the necessity of revealing the capacity for critical reflection associated with the disciplinary construction of the profession from a long-term perspective, recognizing the variability of social work. We understand by critical reflection the disposition of individual and collective social workers to endow their action with a dense thought that incorporates the present complexity of contemporary social phenomena and their historical discontinuities, based on the analysis of the uses, meanings and tensions of disciplinary actions.

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The axis responds to the necessity of revealing the capacity for critical reflection associated with the disciplinary construction of the profession from a long-term perspective, recognizing the variability of social work. We understand by critical reflection the disposition of individual and collective social workers to endow their action with a dense thought that incorporates the present complexity of contemporary social phenomena and their historical discontinuities, based on the analysis of the uses, meanings and tensions of disciplinary actions.

In this way, it is considered necessary that the Congress of Social Work provide a privileged space for the discussion of works and papers that focus their effort on providing them with meaning; analysing the components related to the historicity and positioning of critique through the presentation of a work that evidences the limits and possibilities of work itself -be it investigative, intervention and/or situated reflection -, inscribed in some theoretical-conceptual referents in order to establish relationships and levels that facilitate a complex reading of the subject-object of study in interdisciplinary codes. In this effort, the main idea is to identify those philosophical and ethical supports in practice architecture, stressing the epistemological addresses that inhabit our disciplinary actions.

All the above is inscribed in the challenges faced by sciences in general and social sciences concerning constructing normative horizons for coexistence from a dynamic and dialogical approach. With this axis, the aim is to give centrality to the overcoming of linear readings, enhancing works that show the deployment of exhaustive analyses; dense narratives oriented to favour and interrogate the practice in theoretical codes, noting its definitions from a disciplinary framework both in the description and in the interpretation of findings and contributions.

Sub Axes

Current discussions, challenges, proposals and experiences in:

  1. Critical Research.
  2. Reflective Practice.
  3. Interdisciplinary Challenges.

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Chilean or foreign research social workers. Research professionals with proposals and data to develop presentations aligned with the congress axes and sub-axes.

Social workers and social science professionals working in public institutions and/or non-profit organisations: professionals who have developed research projects and public policies with meaningful impact or replicable good practices related to some of the congress axes.

Undergraduate or postgraduate students developing their final research projects (thesis): students from all types of higher education institutions developing or finishing research projects in areas related to the congress axes.

Leaders from communities, indigenous groups and social organisations, and public policy actors: to be invited by the congress organisers.

Presentation of abstracts

Those interested in presenting papers must send the abstracts through the congress platform with an extension of between 800 to 1000 words. Abstracts have to be sent through the congress website.

The deadline for sending the abstracts is between June 15 and September 9, 2022.

Abstracts will be evaluated by the congress academic commission, accepting proposals with different degrees of progress (i.e., research projects at the beginning, middle or end-stage) but associated with the five congress axes.

The abstracts must contain the following information located at the top of the document:

  • Thematic axis where the paper proposal is inscribed
  • Level of progress (for research or intervention projects (ongoing investigation, research results, experiences systematizations, among others)).
  • Name and last names of authors (maximum 2)
  • Position (if applicable)
  • Organisation or institution (if applicable)
  • Country and city of residency
  • E-mail
  • Phone number


In order to develop a proper evaluation of proposals, we recommend that abstracts be clear regarding the following elements:

    1. The argument, object, phenomenon, or problem to be exposed
    2. The theoretical, methodological, and empirical fundamentals
    3. The relevance and originality of the topic
    4. The knowledge contribution made by the proposal

Abstracts must be sent in Word format, Calibri or Arial fonts, word-size 11, 1.15 spacing, and justified text. Presentation titles in bold and centred. Subtitles in bold and right justified. Citation style APA, 7 edition.

Evaluation Criteria

  • The proposal is inscribed in one of the congress axes
  • The argument is clear
  • Theoretical, methodological, and empirical fundamentals
  • Topic originality and appropriateness
  • Contribution to professional and disciplinary knowledge

The results will be known on September 30, 2022.

Enrolment and payment

Enrolment and payments will be available on the congress website based on the following categories and prices:

    • Presentations: $ 25.000 (USD 30.25)
    • Professionals and general public: $ 30.000 (USD 36.3)
    • Postgraduate students: $ 15.000 (USD 18.15)
    • Undergraduate students : $ 5.000 (USD 6.05)


Adela Bork, Francisco Sotomayor y Elizabeth Vargas.
Responsible contacts of the axis.